March 5, 2024


2 min read

A lifeline of love

South African au pair Ashleen seamlessly integrated into her host family’s busy life, forming an immediate bond with her host children. For host mom Cristie, Ashleen’s support was nothing short of a lifeline as she navigated her pregnancy with twins while caring for her two energetic boys, aged 2 and 4.

Stepping in during a challenging time

“I was very sick for most of my pregnancy,” Cristie says. “I had limited mobility and energy—unlike my toddlers, who were constantly on the move. Ashleen stepped right in, taking the boys to preschool, playing with them at the park, teaching them songs, reading with them, and keeping the household running smoothly while I rested or worked from home.”

 Ashleen and the Bake family

Welcoming two new family members

Fast forward a few months, and Ashleen was one of the first people to meet the family’s newborn twins—two baby girls! The connection was instant. Ashleen continued to care for the boys, but as the girls grew, they also spent more and more time with her. In fact, the twins have become so comfortable with Ashleen that they now respond to words in Afrikaans.

“Ashleen’s name is hard for the twins to pronounce,” Cristie shares. “So they call her ‘Tietie,’ which is Afrikaans for ‘Auntie.’ We joke that Ashleen has a magic arm because, although I spend a lot of time with my children, I can’t get them to sleep as quickly or deeply as Ashleen can!”

Adventures together as a family

Now that the twins are older, the family loves to get outdoors and explore together. They’ve visited 10 national parks and 4 states so far, with one of their favorite traditions being “Mountain Mondays.” On these days, Ashleen and Cristie strap on the twins, take the boys by the hand, and head out for a day of hiking and picnicking.    

Embracing American culture—and sharing her own

The Bake family has always encouraged Ashleen to explore as much of America as possible. Beyond family trips, Ashleen has ventured on her own to two additional national parks and six states. Eager to learn about the world, she's also taken classes in yoga, world religions, and Spanish.

Ashleen is equally passionate about sharing her South African culture with the Bake family—especially through food, which Cristie notes is their family’s love language. She has taught the Bakes South African cooking techniques and even introduced a cultural mash-up they now love: baked beans and sliced cheddar on vetkoek, a traditional fried South African roll. Ashleen’s influence has even extended to their holiday traditions, adding vetkoek and malva pudding to their Fourth of July and Thanksgiving menus.

A dedicated community leader

Ashleen’s positive experience as an au pair has inspired her to become a Cultural Care Ambassador, supporting other au pairs in her area and encouraging friends back home in South Africa to join the program. Cristie and her family love how involved and passionate Ashleen is—both in their home with their four children and in the larger Cultural Care community.

Interested in hosting an au pair? Learn more!