Childcare options

Our Latest

July 5, 2023

Why young parents are choosing au pair childcare

An interview with host mom Kristin
May 22, 2023

Top 10 questions about au pairs

We answer all your FAQs about au pairs, hosting, and more!
January 2, 2023

Fact or Fiction? Families need a big home to host an au pair

“How big does my home have to be in order to host an au pair?” It’s a question that ...
January 4, 2022

Interview with host mom Kacy

Why we chose an au pair over a babysitter or nanny
November 13, 2020

Au pairs save the day during COVID-19

Securing flexible, affordable childcare has always been a challenge for American families. ...
May 7, 2020

Host mom LauRen Strager: why hosting an au pair works for us

First, an introduction to our guest host mom blogger! LauRen Merola is a trendy mom living ...
March 9, 2020

What role does Cultural Care Au Pair play?

When you decide to host an au pair, it’s important to use an agency that is designated b ...
September 20, 2019

What makes a good au pair agency?

3 factors to consider
September 5, 2019

Make back to school easier with an au pair

Could an au pair be your after-school childcare solution?
February 22, 2019

Why you should host a French au pair

A Cultural Care country spotlight
January 29, 2019

New Year, New Childcare

Make 2019 the year you welcome an au pair!
January 23, 2019

Winter is easier with an au pair

Survive snow days and sick days with au pair childcare!
December 5, 2018

Why Choose Live-In Childcare?

The unparalleled convenience and trust of an au pair.
October 2, 2018

5 Ways to Save on Childcare Costs

How to be a savvy spender and smart parent.
September 27, 2018

5 Factors that Impact your Childcare Costs

Things to consider when budgeting for childcare.  
September 25, 2018

11 questions to ask yourself before choosing childcare

Make an informed childcare decision for your family.
August 21, 2018

Why Choose Au Pair Childcare?

Learn why more parents than ever are choosing to host an au pair.
March 12, 2017

Top 5 concerns about live-in nannies and au pairs

Learn how host families overcame these concerns
August 22, 2014

5 reasons you need childcare when the kids go back to school

It's here... it's time for your children to head back to school. And, you're looking forw ...
August 7, 2014

Options for after-school care

As summer days come to an end and your mailbox and inbox are filled with registration info ...
August 1, 2014

Performance Review download for your caregiver

If you are a host parent to an au pair or employ a nanny, it’s a good idea to hold regul ...
July 9, 2014

8 tips for helping your au pair or nanny take more initiative

This post's advice comes from Julie Dye, a local childcare consultant (LCC) and host mom ...
July 7, 2014

Work-at-home parents find ideal childcare solution in au pairs

Cheryl Celebi, at work-at-home mom in Potomac Falls, VA is finishing her coffee at the kit ...
May 14, 2014

Five ways to save on childcare costs

Even though childcare costs can be overwhelming, the following tips can help you trim your ...
May 8, 2014

5 qualifications to look for in a childcare provider

When you are looking for quality childcare for your family, some things, like your child ...
May 7, 2014

Five questions to ask yourself before hiring a relative to take care of your children

Given the benefits, it’s no wonder that close to a third of all families use a relative ...
April 25, 2014

Understanding the true cost of childcare

When I first started researching childcare options for my first son, I was floored by how ...
February 21, 2014

What to know about nanny shares

Trying to find affordable childcare these days is a big challenge for many families. One o ...
November 19, 2013

Top 10 most expensive states for child care

The latest figures on child care costs across the U.S. can leave parents in a state of sho ...
November 8, 2013

Pew results find parenting and childcare is meaningful, but exhausting

Parents don’t need a research study to tell them that they find spending time with their ...
July 24, 2013

Childcare for parents with a home-based business

Running a home-based business has some interesting challenges, not the least of which is c ...
June 6, 2013

Comparing au pair agencies: matching and au pair training

This is the last in our three-part series on au pair agencies.  In this article, we will ...
May 28, 2013

Comparing au pair agencies: how au pair agencies recruit and screen au pairs

Comparing au pair agencies: how au pair agencies recruit and screen au pairs When it come ...
May 15, 2013

Comparing au pair agencies: understanding au pair agency costs

This is the first article in our three-part series comparing au pair agencies. Not all au ...
April 2, 2013

The challenge of non-traditional hours: Au pair vs. nanny

Do you work Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 5:00? An increasing number of employees work no ...
March 27, 2013

Live in nannies or au pairs for parents working non-traditional schedules

Gina and Patrick Reilly, a sergeant and lieutenant (respectively) at their local police de ...
March 25, 2013

Low au pair cost vs. rising childcare costs

You might think having an au pair costs a fortune, but you would be wrong.  Cultural Care ...
February 28, 2013

How is an au pair different from a live in nanny?

Many people use the terms au pair and nanny interchangeably. But the fact is, an au pair i ...
February 28, 2013

Home daycare vs. au pair childcare

When you start researching childcare, you might be surprised to learn there are so many di ...
October 11, 2012

What do the best cities for working mothers have in common?

What do Forbes “Best Cities for Working Mothers” have in common in addition to job opp ...
October 1, 2012

Daycare vs. nanny: socialization or one-on-one care?

If you’re a working parent, you’ve probably faced the question of what to do about chi ...
September 26, 2012

Au pair childcare grows in popularity as day care center costs soar

As if life wasn’t already expensive enough, Child Care Aware® of America (formerly the ...
March 6, 2012

Top 5 differences between an au pair and a nanny

Although many people use the terms interchangeably, au pairs and nannies are not the same. ...