January 3, 2024

4 min read

Reuniting with former au pairs: Tips for an unforgettable reunion

Planning a reunion is a great way to introduce former and current au pairs, connect with your international family, and bond over shared memories. Here are some tips from the Fowlks family, who are reuniting with their au pairs in Lisbon, Portugal.

Plan ahead

Coordinating with au pairs from around the world requires careful planning, so make sure to lock down a date and location early. Book your flights and accommodations well in advance to ensure everyone can make it.

Create a group chat to stay connected

Communication is key to a successful reunion. Start a group chat (we recommend WhatsApp) to keep everyone informed, share details, and get excited for the big event!

Choose a meeting spot everyone will enjoy

Pick a reunion spot that works for everyone. Whether it’s at home or meeting in a central location, the most important thing is being together.

Reminisce with old photos

Bring printed photos or photo albums to spark memories and stories. Looking back at your time with former au pairs will make the reunion even more meaningful.

Stock up on American snacks for nostalgia

Your au pairs will love reuniting with their favorite American snacks! Stocking up on these treats will bring back memories of their time with your family.

Involve your current au pair in the fun

While your current au pair may be newer to the family, make sure they feel included in the reunion activities. This is a great opportunity for them to bond with former au pairs and become part of the extended family.

Coordinate with matching t-shirts

Make your reunion extra fun by wearing matching t-shirts. These shirts, designed especially for global family reunions, help make the group easy to spot—and add a playful touch to the event.

Plan a few activities in advance

While spontaneity is great, it’s helpful to have a few activities or destinations planned ahead of time, especially for larger groups. Make reservations or buy tickets for landmarks to keep the reunion moving smoothly.

Leave room for quality time together

Some of the best moments during a reunion happen when you’re simply spending time together. Laughing, eating, and sharing memories can be the highlight of the entire event.

Recreate old photos to see how much you’ve grown

Bring those old photos back to life by recreating them. Have your au pairs hold your children like they did years ago, or take a new family photo to capture how much everyone has changed.

Explore your reunion destination together

If you’re reuniting in a new place, make the most of it by exploring together. Whether it’s a new or familiar destination, experiencing it with your global family will create lasting memories.

Capture the moment with a group shot

Don’t forget to document your reunion! Take plenty of photos and share them on social media using #culturalcareaupair and #globalfamilyreunion so the entire Cultural Care community can celebrate with you.

Hear from families who’ve reunited with their au pairs

“We went to our first au pair's wedding when the girls were 8 years old… she was their au pair when they were babies! While they didn’t remember her, they had seen so many photos, so they knew which arms to run into at the airport. And now they have memories with her they DO remember!” —Amy Pond, host mom and Cultural Care staff member

“The most valuable part for me was seeing these young men and women behaving like siblings, telling stories and jokes, and reminiscing about their time with our family. It was a pretty emotional weekend for this mama.” —Julie McGhee, host mom and reunion specialist

“It’s so special to reunite with our au pairs in their home countries. You get to know a whole new side of who they are and where they’re from. Also, you start to have more empathy for what they went through! Now it’s the host family that is surrounded by a new language, culture, and foods.” —Amy Pond, host mom and Cultural Care staff member