March 20, 2024


3 min read

Taking your au pair on vacation: Do’s and don’ts

When planning a family vacation, inviting your au pair can be a great opportunity for both bonding and childcare help. However, there are a few important things to consider beforehand.

Let’s explore some common questions and essential tips for ensuring a smooth, enjoyable trip for everyone.

Do: Set clear expectations early

Before the trip, sit down with your au pair to discuss all the details—when you’re going, where you’re headed, and most importantly, their role during the vacation. If they’ll be joining as an “on-duty” caregiver, be upfront about your expectations regarding their responsibilities. On the other hand, if they’re simply invited to enjoy the vacation off-duty as part of the family, make that clear, too. Setting expectations early prevents any misunderstandings.

And remember: if they’re working, you’ll need to continue providing their stipend and room and board, per program guidelines. If they’re off-duty and using their vacation time, they can be treated more like a family guest.

Do: Consider the spirit of the au pair program

Even if your au pair is off-duty during the trip, consider covering their expenses. Whether it’s meals, hotel stays, or admission to activities, many host families opt to cover these costs to ensure their au pair feels included and valued. After all, treating your au pair like a family member is one of the key principles of the program.

Don't: Take it personally if they opt out

If your au pair decides to spend their vacation time elsewhere—perhaps with friends or on a solo adventure—don’t be offended. Their time in the USA is about more than just their host family; they’re here to explore, meet new people, and have experiences of their own. Be gracious if they say no to your offer.

Don't: Be ambiguous or change your mind

Make sure to be clear and decisive when inviting your au pair on vacation. Avoid making plans only to change them later, as this could lead to disappointment. It’s important to communicate your decision early, so your au pair can make their own plans if needed.