August 30, 2024

4 min read

10 ways to include your au pair in family activities

When you invite an au pair into your home, you’re gaining more than just flexible, affordable childcare. You’re also welcoming a new family member for life, sharing your traditions, and embracing a meaningful cultural exchange experience.

Throughout your year together, the best way to foster this bond is by involving your au pair in family activities. Whether it’s a weekly family dinner or a festive holiday celebration, small gestures can go a long way in making your au pair feel like a true part of your household.

Below are 10 creative ways host families have included their au pairs, along with heartfelt reflections from the au pairs themselves. Get inspired and start creating your own lasting memories!

1. Family dinners

Family dinners are a wonderful way to unwind and connect after a busy day. Swap between your favorite family meals and dishes from your au pair’s home country to create a shared culinary experience.

“We love to cook! My host parents often prepare amazing meals, and I enjoy showing them Brazilian cuisine. They loved Moqueca! My host dad also cooks the best steak ever.”
— Dara, au pair from Brazil

2. Holiday celebrations

Holidays are the perfect opportunity for meaningful cultural exchange moments. Whether it’s sharing American traditions or learning about your au pair’s native celebrations, these special occasions create wonderful memories and special familial bonds.

“Thanksgiving was such a special time for me. My host family and I did everything together—cooking, eating, playing games. It made me feel truly included and grateful to be part of their family.”
— Jolina, au pair from Germany

3. Sports games

Take your au pair to a professional or local sports game for a fun, all-American experience. It’s an affordable and exciting way to bond as a family and share a uniquely American pastime.

“We went to a Red Sox game, and it was so much fun! Singing ‘Sweet Caroline’ and sharing that experience brought us closer and gave us memories to cherish early on.”
— Magdalena, au pair from Austria

4. Family vacations

Vacations offer a great opportunity to bond and make memories together, especially with the added benefit of having your au pair there to help out.

“My first trip to Disney World with my host family was pure magic. Experiencing it together for the first time made it so much more special. I will always treasure those moments.”
— Mariana, au pair from Mexico

5. Weekend outings

Even small outings like trips to the movies, local restaurants, or community events can be meaningful bonding experiences. Extending an invitation to your au pair shows them they’re a valued part of the family.

“One of my favorite memories was a boat ride with the family. The kids were so happy, and my host dad even taught me how to drive the boat—something I never imagined doing!”
— Klara, au pair from Austria

6. Birthday celebrations

Celebrate birthdays with your au pair just like you would with any family member. A small gift or thoughtful gesture goes a long way in making them feel special.

“For my birthday, my host family threw a fiesta! We had Mexican food, music, and even a piñata cake. It made me feel so appreciated and happy to celebrate with them.”
— Abigail, au pair from Mexico

7. Religious events

Involving your au pair in religious traditions, whether familiar or new to them, offers another layer of cultural exchange and helps them feel more connected to your family.

“Celebrating Diwali with my host family was incredible. I wore a traditional Indian dress, and we spent the day cooking, dancing, and enjoying time with family.”
— Sarah, au pair from Germany

8. Group Halloween costumes

Halloween is a favorite American holiday for many au pairs, and dressing up as part of a group costume is a fun way to include the.

“We dressed up in costumes, decorated pumpkins, and handed out candy. It was such a fun night, and I loved learning about the American customs!”
— Bianca, au pair from Brazil

9. Children's milestones

Inviting your au pair to be part of your children’s big moments—like their first day of school or a piano recital—helps solidify the bond they share.

“Being there for my host kids’ milestones made me feel like a real part of their lives. It’s incredible to see them grow and be part of their journey.”
— Sabrina, au pair from Austria

10. Family photoshoots

Including your au pair in family portraits creates a lasting memory of their time with you, something both your family and the au pair will cherish forever.

“I was so touched when my host family invited me to join their family photoshoot. It was such a fun and meaningful day that I’ll always remember.”
— Luli, au pair from Argentina