August 24, 2024

5 min read

Expert tips for a successful au pair match

Finding the right au pair for your family takes patience, creativity, and open communication. It’s a process, but one that can be incredibly rewarding for your children and family.

To help you navigate the journey, we sat down with Chris Aho, a Cultural Care Matching Specialist based in Boston, Massachusetts. Chris shares his expert advice on creating a great host family profile, avoiding common mistakes, and finding the best au pair match for your needs.

Q: Hi Chris! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your role at Cultural Care?

A: Sure thing. I’m originally from Wisconsin but now live in Boston. I’ve worked on several teams within Cultural Care, including the Program Education Team, Travel Team, and of course, Placement!

Q: What is your best advice for a host family just beginning the matching process?

A: My best advice is to be open to au pairs that may not check all the boxes. Many families think that what works for their friends or neighbors will work for them, but that’s not always the case. Be open to au pairs from different countries, ages, or English levels—you might be surprised by the connection you make.

Q: What should every host family profile include to increase their chances of matching?

A: Au pairs want to feel like they’ll be treated as part of the family, not just as employees. A great way to show that is through your pictures. Include photos of family vacations, holiday traditions, and fun activities you enjoy together. Just as you’re looking through the au pair’s photos, they’ll be looking at yours too.

Q: What are some of the biggest roadblocks host families run into when matching?

A: Getting declined by candidates can be frustrating, but it’s part of the process. It’s the au pair’s way of saying they don’t think it’s a good fit, and we want both sides to feel excited about the match. Another common issue is response time. Remember, many au pairs are busy with school or work and may be in a different time zone—patience is key.

Q: Do you have any matching success stories that stick out to you?

A: One of the first families I helped match was paired with an au pair who didn’t seem like an obvious fit—four kids in a rural area of the U.S. and a younger au pair—but through interviews, they grew to love each other. They ended up extending for a second term! It just goes to show that the best matches often happen when personalities click.

Q: What is the most rewarding part about being a Matching Specialist?

A: Hearing success stories and knowing a match is going to work out is the best feeling. Some matches just click, and you can tell through conversations with both the host family and au pair that they’re a great fit. I also love hearing about families who stay in touch with their au pairs years after hosting them.

Q: In your opinion, why should host families choose Cultural Care?

A: Cultural Care offers a lot of support from start to finish. From your Local Childcare Consultant (LCC) to your Matching Specialist and Account Services Team, there’s always someone to help answer questions along the way.

Q: What are some of the most compelling reasons to become a host family?

A: This program isn’t just about childcare—it’s about opening your family to another culture. The families who give more to the program than they expect to receive often find themselves with a lifelong bond. Au pairs truly become a part of the family, and the connection they build with your children is incredibly meaningful.

Q: What would you say are the 5 best practices for families matching with au pairs?

A: There are many things families can do to find the perfect match, but here are my top five:

1. Be genuine in your profile and connection requests. Be clear about the schedule and expectations.

2. Be patient. The process can take time, but it will work out.

3. Make sure candidates meet all family members. It’s important they connect with everyone.

4. Be open to changes—whether that’s adjusting your profile or what you’re looking for in an au pair.

5. Use your Matching Specialist! They can provide recommendations and a second set of eyes on your profile.

Interested in hosting an au pair and working with your own personal Matching Specialist? Get started here.