¹Monthly minimum average cost to host an au pair, regardless of the number of children the au pair cares for. This cost includes the agency fees and the minimum weekly stipend paid directly to the au pair for 52 weeks, including 2 weeks of paid vacation. Does not include incidental costs of hosting an au pair, such as meals, insurance, contribution towards classes and other potential expenses. Read more about our au pair program pricing.
²Based on an average hourly rate of $18 per hour for 45 hours per week of care for 50 weeks.
3Au pairs pay a smaller program fee to the foreign company that screens them, but no portion of that fee is used to pay for the costs of their international airfare or domestic U.S. transportation. Au pairs may be charged additional fees in the event of special travel requests.
4The U.S. Department of State has determined that au pairs are required to receive from their host families at least $195.75 per week. Host families and au pairs are free to discuss and agree to compensation higher than the required stipend minimum; however, this cannot be in exchange for the au pair exceeding the regulatory limits on working hours (10 hours per day; 45 hours per week) or performing duties beyond childcare-related tasks. The State Department formula is based on the federal minimum wage and applicable room and board credits. Any change in the federal minimum wage or the applicable credits will result in an increase in this minimum stipend amount. Please note, should a family extend beyond the first year, they would be responsible for the stipend for each week of the extension term.
5This contribution towards an au pair’s education requirement is determined by the U.S. Department of State, and families agree to comply with any increase that is issued.